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The History of

The Beginning

The .party TLD is not that old, it was generally available after February 2015. I don’t have any information on the time prior 2019. After that the domain was rented by a US person who parked the domain. He wanted to sell the domain, and as you can see, he was able to sell it. The seller set a price at $73500. Well, I made an offer that was far lower than the expected price. And on the 22nd of February 2024 I received this E-mail out of the blue:

Screenshot of Discord Chat in Orga-Talk for buying
While being happy at first to have this awesome domain I was then shocked to pay the amount of money for a domain. The Members of the Community, a german Board and Discord Community for LAN-Party hosters in Germany, Austria and Swiss made a lot of fun about that at first, but on the other hand pushed me to take the opportunity to create a project with the new domain.

Start of the Discord Server and Website

On the 1st of March of 2024 the Discord Server was created. The first invitation was sent out to Orga-Talk while the rest would get the invitation after this website went live.

Start of the Website

While taking much longer than expected the first website went online on the 20th of April 2024 with a list of Eventlistings, a Discord Server and a possibility to rent E-Mail Adresses or subdomains.

To be continued…

Well and what will happen in the future? We don’t know but I’m excited to see what will happen.